Expert Melanoma Advice for The Independent; Dr Ross Perry

An article in The Independent entitled ‘What is melanoma and what are the early signs of skin cancer?’ explores the disease which accounts for over 15 thousand new cases in the UK each year. 

Dr Ross Perry provided advice on the issues relating to sun exposure and tanning, saying:

“There is no such thing as a healthy sun tan. A tan is a response to DNA damage, whether you get it on the beach, on a sunbed, or through incidental exposure. Tans are caused by harmful UV radiation from the sun, and if you have one, you’ve sustained skin cell damage.”

Categories of Melanoma

Melanoma begins in melanocytes, which are the cells that produce the pigmentation (colouring) in the skin, hair and eyes. Melanocytes form moles, where melanoma often develops. That’s why moles are considered to be a risk factor for melanoma.

The article explained that although the skin is the most commonly affected area for melanoma, there are other rarer forms which can affect other areas:

  • Cutaneous Melanoma is melanoma of the skin. This is the most common form of the disease as the skin is where the highest number of pigment cells are found
  • Mucosal Melanoma can occur in any mucous membrane of the body e.g. the nasal passages, throat, vagina, anus, mouth
  • Ocular Melanoma, is a rare form of melanoma that occurs in the eye; as is conjunctival melanoma

Signs of Cutaneous Melanoma

A changing or suspicious mole or unusual blemish/lesion are the most common signs of melanoma. Although most moles are harmless, it is important to be alert for any new moles or any changes in colour, size or shape. Itchy, sore or bleeding blemishes are also a possible sign.

The advice for anyone concerned about odd moles or skin blemishes is to see a doctor as soon as possible. This will hopefully put the mind at rest, but if a referral is required, it is best done as early as possible.

Read article in full at

Melanoma Removal

Melanomas caught at the earliest stage can be treated with mole removal surgery.

Early intervention has excellent outcomes and in many cases no further treatment is required. However, as melanoma progresses and spreads, the chances of a positive outcome decline.

Many clients opt to have moles removed purely for cosmetic reasons, which can be done in private mole removal clinics such as The London Mole Removal Centre.

Private Mole Checks & Removal

The London Mole Removal Centre is a private company, offering mole checks and treatment for unwanted moles and other skin lesions (e.g. cysts, skin tags, warts, verruca, lipoma, xanthelasma).

All consultations and treatments are carried out in person by doctors who are specially trained in the latest laser and skin surgery techniques and are highly experienced in the field.

Further advantages of private treatment at the London Mole Removal Centre include:

  • No waiting lists
  • Moles can often be removed in the same appointment as the consultation
  • Locations in London and Bristol
  • Removed moles tested with report provided
  • Mole testing can be arranged

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7731 3791.