i News: Facial Sunscreens for Different Skin Types

i News looked at the ’14 best facial sunscreens for different skin types’ with expert advice from, Dr Ross Perry on SPF and sunscreen.

Ross explains that sunscreen is not just a summer essential but for year round use:

“I would recommend you wear a facial sunscreen 365 days a year, not just in summer. Bare skin should always be protected.

“If you’re outdoors at all, sunscreen really is an absolute must. The job of sunscreen is to filter out harmful UVA/UVB rays, which are the main cause of skin cancer, as well as premature ageing. Even in winter, the sun can still penetrate. So although the sun is further away than in summer, get into the habit of wearing a high SPF sunscreen all year round – even on dull days.”

A good sunblock is important to protect against the sun’s harmful UV rays:

  • UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin than UVB. These are responsible for premature ageing, causing lines and wrinkles.
  • UVB rays do not penetrate so deeply. They are responsible for sunburn and also tend to play a greater role in causing skin cancer (although UVA rays can also be a cause).

What is SPF?

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and indicates how long the cream will protect you from UVB rays. The number reflects how much longer it will take for your skin to start to burn compared to no protection. E.g. if you can sit in the sun unprotected for 10 minutes before your skin starts to pinken, then applying SPF 20 would mean you could stay for 200 minutes – 3 hours and 20 minutes – before you start to burn.

The article gives advice on which SPF to use in summer and winter:

“In summer, you should use a facial sun cream with a minimum SPF of 30 and in winter this can be reduced to SPF 15. Whichever cream you decide to use, you should always make sure that it protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays (look for a broad spectrum sunscreen) and always re-apply regularly.”

In terms of brands and formulations,

“…Dr Perry suggests using a non-greasy formulation, which feels nice and sits well under makeup.”

Read More

Read this feature in full including i News’s recommendations for the best 14 facial sunscreens at https://inews.co.uk/ibuys/fashion-and-beauty/best-facial-sunscreens-sensitive-dry-oily-skin-natural-reviews-284677

dr-ross-perryDr Ross Perry

Dr Ross Perry is Medical Director and Founder of Cosmedics Skin Clinics. He has worked for many years in the NHS as a skin cancer reconstruction surgeon as well as a GP. He is a UK expert in skin cancer, moles, sun damage and sun protection, providing regular expert comment to the media.

Ross founded Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003 offering private treatment for troublesome skin lesions. Patients are able to access appointments in 4 London clinics with qualified and experienced doctors who are registered with the GMC.

Waiting lists are minimal and most of the skin treatments can be completed in the same appointment as the initial consultation where preferred, saving the need for a repeat visit and allowing patients to get their skin lesions removed very quickly.

Private Mole Checks & Removal

The London Mole Removal Centre is a private company, offering mole checks and treatment for unwanted moles and other skin lesions (e.g. cysts, skin tags, warts, verruca, lipoma, xanthelasma) at 5 mole removal clinics.

All consultations and treatments are carried out in person by doctors who are specially trained in the latest laser and skin surgery techniques and are highly experienced in the field.

Where the mole is not considered medically a risk, then the NHS will usually deny mole removal on the basis that it is just ‘cosmetic’, so treatment in the private sector is the best approach.

Further advantages of private treatment at the London Mole Removal Centre include:

  • No waiting lists
  • Moles can often be removed in the same appointment as the consultation
  • Choice of clinics in London and also Bristol
  • Removed moles tested with report provided

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7731 3791.