Skin Checks – The New Year Resolution You Must Not Skip
2 weeks into January and it’s time to check in on those New Year Resolutions.
This year has seen many trying ‘Dry January’ or ‘Veganuary’ in an attempt to find a healthier lifestyle. Gyms are seeing signups peak and the shops are full of health, fitness and diet products.
But New Year’s resolutions don’t all have to be about losing weight. There’s another area of your health that should also be considered and that’s your skin.
This is the time to take stock of any unusual blemishes AND not to ignore them, but get them checked out. Many people notice unusual patches of skin and dismiss them, not wanting to bother the doctor. But if they don’t go away, get worse or have any worrying symptoms, then they should most definitely be checked out.
If you’ve not noticed anything amiss, then January is ideal for a self-check and review, as paler winter skin is easier to assess. Take half an hour after a shower or bath to look for any unusual marks on your skin. For example:
- Odd shaped moles that are uneven or asymmetrical
- Unusual texture to the skin – crusting, raised or depressed areas
- Weird marks that may appear suddenly
- Untypical behaviour – bleeding, itching etc
Be thorough, checking from the skin beneath the hair on your head to the toes and soles of your feet.
Skin doesn’t have to be burnt or even exposed to the skin to develop a cancerous lesion.
If in doubt, get it checked out by a GP, dermatologist or expert skin lesion doctor.
Make this the one New Year Resolution that you keep.
Private Mole Checks & Removal
The London Mole Removal Centre is a private company, offering private mole checks and treatment for unwanted moles and other skin lesions (e.g. cysts, skin tags, warts, verruca, lipoma, xanthelasma). All consultations and treatments are carried out in person by doctors who are specially trained in the latest laser and skin surgery techniques and are highly experienced in the field.
Further advantages of private treatment at the London Mole Removal Centre include:
- No waiting lists
- Fully trained doctors, registered with GMC
- Moles can often be removed in the same appointment as the consultation, saving the need for a repeat visit and allowing patients to get their skin lesions removed very quickly
- Choice of 4 clinics in London and also Bristol
- Removed moles tested with report provided
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7731 3791.