3 Signs of HPV – Genital Warts
Genital warts are a condition feared by many women. So how do you know if you have them?
The Express published a feature giving some excellent advice on the signs and symptoms. The article opened by explaining that genital warts are not necessarily that easy to recognise or diagnose yourself:
“HPV SYMPTOMS are not obvious hence the urgency for women to attend regular pap smears”
Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus, which stands for human papillomavirus. This is not one specific virus but actually a collection or group of over 200 related viruses, including sexually transmitted HPV, which is what can cause genital warts in the vagina and around the vulva.
The Express feature shared advice from Medical News Today on 3 signs to look for:
- A cluster that looks like a cauliflower
- A scatter of bumps that are darker than unaffected skin
- Growths that may be raised, flat, smooth, or rough.
However, the article stressed that proper diagnosis is important as there are certain types of vulva cancer which look can quite similar to genital warts around the vulva.
The positive news is that new HPV vaccine could reduce the number of patients suffering from genital warts
“The HPV vaccine protects against the types of HPV that cause most cases of genital warts and cervical cancer”
In the meantime it is important to get any suspected genital warts properly diagnosed.
Read this article in full at https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1574726/Hpv-symptoms-vaccine-warts-cluster-scatter-of-bumps-growths
Genital Warts
If you have lumpy, fleshy growths around the vagina/vulva that are irritating, uncomfortable, itchy or even painful, then it may be genital warts. These can be very embarrassing as they’re a known sexually transmitted disease. Their appearance can be very upsetting and worrying.
Diagnosing Genital Skin Lumps
If you are concerned about genital warts, it is best to get a proper diagnosis, so that you can understand your treatment options.
The NHS offers free sexual health clinics where they can carry out a full set of screening tests for STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) or STI’s (sexually transmitted infections). Find sexual health clinic contact details.
If you do have genital warts, the NHS will most often offer topical treatments i.e. i.e. creams or liquids. These aren’t the best option, as they can be messy and awkward to apply. They can also take a long time to work and the ingredients may cause irritation to sensitive genital skin.
Private clinic treatments for genital warts and vaginal skin tags
Doctors and surgeons at Cosmedics’ London Mole Removal Centre offer fast and effective treatment for genital warts. They can often provide same day treatment through their ‘See & Treat’ service.
- Cryotherapy (freezing) – Simple warts or skin tags are frozen off in a procedure known as ‘cryotherapy’ which uses intense cold to destroy the growth. Treatment may involve 2-3 sessions to ensure complete removal of the wart.
- Laser or skin surgery – Large and resistant warts or skin tags can be treated either using more aggressive techniques, involving laser or surgery with cauterisation to seal the wound. Usually treatment can be completed in just one session.
Treatments are completely pain-free thanks to use of modern local anaesthetic. Patients are provided with full aftercare guidance and a follow-up appointment is included where recommended.
Book an Appointment
London Mole Removal Centre offer appointments at a choice of 5 private skin treatment centres based in London and Bristol. All consultations and treatments are carried out in person by doctors who are specially trained in the latest laser and skin surgery techniques and are highly experienced in the field. Most skin lesions can be removed at the same appointment as the consultation, but there is no obligation to proceed unless and until both the patient and doctor are completely happy to do so.
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7731 3791.