NICE Guidelines on Skin Cancer
If you have concern about skin cancer, then you may find links to the NICE Guidelines helpful to find out what guidance is provided for doctors working in the NHS as well as the general public.
NICE stands for The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. It is the body responsible for providing guidance, advice and information services for health, public health and social care professionals on issues such as medicines, treatments, procedures, clinical practice and health promotion.
- NICE guideline [NG12] Suspected cancer: recognition and referral (NG12) Published June 2015
- Information for the public – Skin and soft tissue
- Information for the public – Symptoms that might suggest cancer
- Information for the public – If you are referred for suspected cancer
What to do if you’re worried
The NICE guidelines state:
“Your GP can check your symptoms, and may carry out tests if they are needed, to see if you should be referred to a cancer specialist.”
So the first port of call should be your family doctor for an examination and referral if appropriate.
The NICE guidelines reassure the public that many concerns turn out not to be cancerous, saying:
“Being referred to a specialist does not mean that you have cancer. Very few people who are referred to a specialist actually have cancer. However, it is important that you are checked quickly to find out. If you do have cancer, spotting it early can mean treatment is easier and more likely to be successful.”
So DO book an appointment to get it ruled out but DON’T worry until you have had a consultation with your GP. They will either put your mind at rest or arrange a referral to a specialist for further examination, diagnosis and treatment as necessary.
What to do when it’s not cancer
Firstly, it is vital to have a diagnosis to rule out skin cancer.
As most ‘lumps and bumps’ turn out not to be cancerous, the NHS will be unable to offer any treatment where there is no medical concern, classifying them as ‘cosmetic’ issues.
In this case, where patients want the mole or blemish removed, it would need to be done privately.
Private Mole Checks & Removal
Cosmedics Skin Clinics’ London Mole Removal Centre is a private company, offering mole checks and treatment for unwanted moles and other skin lesions (cysts, skin tags, warts, verruca, lipoma etc) at 5 mole removal clinics.
Further advantages of private treatment at the London Mole Removal Centre include:
- All consultations and treatments are carried out in person by doctors who are specially trained and highly experienced in the field
- Latest laser and skin surgery mole removal techniques
- No waiting lists
- Moles can often be removed in the same appointment as the consultation
- Choice of clinics in London and also Bristol
- Removed moles tested for peace of mind, with full histology report provided
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7731 3791.